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The Journey to Our Healthiest Selves

The Journey to Our Healthiest Selves

Weight loss has been a big part of both Katie’s and my journey. Our stories and experiences look so different, yet we’re on the same track to being our best and healthiest selves! Today I’m going to share a bit about our journeys and what they look like for us.

 In 2014 my doctor diagnosed me with hypothyroidism. I was fit and ate pretty well, so I thought, so I wasn’t too concerned. I was prescribed a thyroid medicine that quickly caused me to gain 30 pounds in one month. I immediately stopped taking the medicine and decided to never go back to the doctor or any thyroid specialist ever.

I struggled with depression and anxiety, and I didn’t cope with either of those feelings in a healthy way- I just ate and ate some more. In 2017 I reached my heaviest weight, and I began to notice changes in my body. Day to day things like breathing, going up the stairs and even getting off the couch became harder and harder for me. I felt a consistent pressure on my diaphragm, and I was ALWAYS sweating- it was bad. I knew something was off, and I finally decided to see my primary care physician. She didn’t seem too concerned after seeing my bloodwork, but did recommend I begin to lose weight. I felt let down and defeated because I’d tried for years to lose weight and nothing would ever happen for me.


 My sister recommended her holistic nutritionist in Ecuador, Dr. Stalin Flores. I decided to give it a shot, and when I spoke to him I heard the urgency in his voice. My triglycerides were around the 700s, my cholesterol was super high, and my thyroid levels were all out of whack. His first few words were “you are about to have a heart attack if you don’t do something about this”. I freaked out! I felt even more defeated than before, yet determined to get started because I knew I needed to do something.

We began a year and a half long treatment plan that consisted of natural medicines that were created specifically for me based on my bloodwork, deficiencies and needs. I was also put on a strict diet due to my thyroid and was told to exercise on the daily for at least 30 minutes. I quickly learned about all the foods I was consuming that my thyroid hormone was unable to process correctly. The first time I read the comprised list of foods I couldn’t consume I felt so shocked- I was limited to only a small amount of foods. I had to say bye to mangos, bananas, beans, rice, [sweet] potatoes, and corn/corn products just to name a few (it’s a really long list). There’s something in the chemical composition of specific foods that clashes with my thyroid hormone. I also had to say goodbye to alcohol since it blocks the hormone. This was one of the harder things for me because I was always in a party scene with a drink in my hand. So many of the foods we ate on the reg were no longer allowed to be a part of my diet simply because of my thyroid gland, but in about a year I was able to lose 85 pounds and regulate my thyroid.

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 This was a huge lifestyle change. Now more than ever I had to look at the ingredients I was consuming. For example, I couldn’t just eat any kind of whole wheat crackers because even some of those had corn starch, rice flour or even potato flour, which were all no-no’s for me. Whipping up a quick dinner, like rice and beans, was no longer an option as we had to think about what I could really eat without it being so bland and boring. I don’t consume chicken and meat anymore since it doesn’t do nice things to my stomach, but there have been a few times where I’ve consumed it knowing it would be worth the pain and discomfort. It was a hard adjustment period to say the least. However, this lifestyle change benefited the entire fam as we all became more aware of what we were consuming.  

This has been one of the hardest journeys I find myself on, but it continues to be a constant reminder that this is for my highest good. I learned a lot about myself in the process. Instead of turning to food for everything, I turned to exercise and earth based practices since they became an essential part of my lifestyle. The gym became a spiritual haven for me where I could let my spirit be free and release all my stresses, anxieties, and depression- I guess you could say it’s my form of church. I don’t have a six pack, I’m sure as hell not a stick, and I still have some meat on me, but I’m healthy. I’m learning to maintain where I’m at right now, but one of my goals is to tone up and get stronger so that I can physically be prepared to carry a baby (when the time comes).   

Katie’s weight loss journey looks very different than mine. In 2014 she reached her heaviest weight of 290 lbs. One morning she felt something in her back shift as she was brushing her teeth. A few seconds into that she fell to the ground and laid there in excruciating pain- she couldn’t get up at all. She dragged herself to the bedroom to call Louie, and informed him about what happened. He rushed home to check on her, and luckily they were able to immediately get an appointment with a chiropractor. The doctor did some back corrections on her, and then proceeded to try one last thing. He lifted her front belly, and asked if that helped. The pain substantially decreased, and she realized that the weight of her stomach was too heavy for her back to sustain. That’s when she knew she had to be kinder to her body and do something about it.


Katie made lifestyle changes little by little. She stopped eating out, and began to cook at home, which helped her lose 40 pounds. She introduced exercise into her daily routine, and although she hated it at first, she found her niche and was able to lose another 40 pounds. Right when she reached her 80 pound weight loss mark, she got pregnant and gained a bit of the weight back. Post-partum recovery was really difficult after the c-section. I remember going to the gym with her 3 months post-partum, and she turned pale from the pain. It took her about a year to feel physically able to go to the gym, but even then it was still hard for her.

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Since then she’s been able to lose the baby weight that she gained just by changing up her diet, and she’s now back to her pre-baby weight. She’s recently cut back on heavy carbs, has eliminated processed foods as much as possible, cooks at home regularly, and adds more protein and veggies on her plate. She doesn’t completely deprive herself of things at times, and indulges in something every once in a while- she just ensures that the indulgence is worth the carbs and calories. Sometimes she’ll skip out on breakfast, and consume a bit of a larger lunch. She still enjoys what she eats, and is seeing results! This is what works for her body. Her ultimate goal is to feel healthier, increase her mobility, and introduce more exercise into her routine rather than just once or twice a month.


So, here’s what two days in the life of our tummy looks like:


Friends, I’m not one to say that depriving yourself of foods is what you need to do in order to lose weight. I wish I could say I didn’t need to, BUT being prone to an underactive thyroid means I need to stay away from certain things that will harm it. Keeping a leveled thyroid is my priority because I’ve seen what happens when its unbalanced. I think it’s pretty evident that Katie and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum with our diet, yet we’ve both seen results.

Lastly, we’re in no way dieticians, and what has worked for us may not work for you. Our bodies are all chemically composed differently, and each body needs something different. If you find yourself wanting to begin your journey to your healthiest self, then start with the small changes! Start with 20 minute walks, get your heart rate up, or increase your water intake! If you struggle with your thyroid, then I’d recommend speaking to a holistic dietician, if possible. I think they have such great knowledge about how to heal our bodies in natural ways. As always, thanks for reading!




Photography: Kap2ure Creative Co.

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